InILLUMINATIONbyJanet ChuiIf You Had A Hypercritical Parent, You Struggle With TheseHiding from people and negative self-talk are just two of the maladaptive coping responses.Nov 26, 202217Nov 26, 202217
InILLUMINATIONbyJanet ChuiIf You Had A Narcissistic Parent, You’re Wired DifferentlyYou’re not broken, but you don’t operate like other people.Nov 23, 202282Nov 23, 202282
Jacquette AughThe One Word That Exposes YouYou’re naive, elitist, or lying.Aug 19, 202222Aug 19, 202222
Jacquette Augh40 Red Flags for Dating Cis White Men, Given Without ExplanationDon’t freak out if your new datemate has one of these red flags — some of these may actually be signs of special interests, disability, or…Nov 11, 202150Nov 11, 202150
Jacquette Augh5 Little Things to Reclaim My Self After AbuseThe little steps that are deeper than they seemNov 18, 20211Nov 18, 20211
Jacquette AughThe Sister of Gaslighting: Slow DripWhat abusers and Instagram ads have in commonDec 13, 20219Dec 13, 20219
Jacquette AughI Was “The Other Woman”… Twice.FAQs from the woman your man sneaks around with.Mar 26, 20226Mar 26, 20226
Jacquette AughMy Dog: Subtle Manipulation GuruHammer’s 3 Techniques for Getting What She Wants from Humans Around HerApr 3, 20223Apr 3, 20223
Jacquette Augh40 Red Flags for Dating Cis White Women, Given Without ExplanationThe Follow-up That Hate Commenters Didn’t Think I’d WriteApr 8, 202226Apr 8, 202226
Jacquette AughThe Reality of Falling in Love with the VillainOn embracing our “Off to the Races” by Lana Del Rey fantasies.May 2, 20222May 2, 20222
Jacquette AughYour Worst Enemy As A Traumatized PersonNo, it’s not the emotional flashbacks, the nightmares, or the hypervigilance.May 13, 20223May 13, 20223
Jacquette AughPeople with Anxious Attachments are ManipulativeIt’s time to take a good, long look in the mirrorMay 20, 20229May 20, 20229
Jacquette AughI Knew Johnny Depp was Abusive in 5 MinutesAnd it didn’t have a damn thing to do with AmberMay 23, 202275May 23, 202275